Black Powder Roast

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If you like a bold, dark roast, but hate the burnt or bitter flavor that usually comes with it, you'll love our Black Powder Roast. We expertly roast it as dark as we can while maintaining our signature "smooth" flavor - no creamer required! 

  • Perfectly roasted blend of Central American, East African, and Indonesian coffee.
  • Top 6% of all coffee.
  • Roasted and shipped fresh.
  • Save 5% when you subscribe (other discounts do not apply).

When you choose to shop with us, you are getting great coffee and gear from freedom-loving, Patriotic Americans just like you. Most U.S. coffee importers are very woke and view our world and America very differently from you and us. They often support lobbyists who work against our fundamental freedoms, life of the unborn, etc. No matter whose name is on a bag of coffee, most coffee comes through one of those major importers. So, from the roaster to your cup, your coffee has been in the hands of God-fearing, freedom-loving, Patriotic Americans! Bottoms Up! 

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